The Australian Summer is Coming to Get Us...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's been sitting in the 30's for the past couple of days in Montreal, and apparently there has been record breaking temperatures throughout the majority of eastern Canada. Maybe we brought the Aussie summer with us?? Complete with afternoon thunderstorms!

Bienvenue a Quebec!
Needless to say, it's been a hot few days in Montreal!! We head out of the city this afternoon, having spent a couple of days visiting friends, checking out the town and adding another 80km to our ride searching for Least Bitterns in the suburbs (story on!)

Quebec has treated us very well. People are very friendly and open, much like Newfoundland actually. Several people have offered us places to stay. They are also very patient with our French, which, although we would love to speak it better, is abominable.

Public Enemy#1
Our worst nightmare/reality...
and there's 52 species!!!!
We've also really enjoyed riding along the Route Verte, a system of bike friendly roads and trails that runs all the way across Quebec... no Highway 1 riding for us in this province!! Parts of the Route are better than others, but we've definitely enjoyed taking a break from the roaring semi trucks.

Also, we've just recently received a pair of binoculars from Swarovski to use for our trip!!! They've been magnificent, not only because they're beautifully bright to look through, but also because now I don't have to snatch Nigel's binos from him every time I want to see a bird! It's fantastic!

Vieux Quebec (Old Quebec City)
We're sad to be leaving French Canada, but we're excited to arrive in Ontario tomorrow afternoon... it's come time to tackle the widest of Canadian provinces. Our kilometres here will add up to our total of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and PEI combined! We expect to cross Ontario in 5 to 6 weeks.


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