McLobster and Biting Flies

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The hockeys on tonight, and Nigel being a rabid Canucks fan we've managed to stake out a television in a nearby golf club (can you believe they let us in with our hiking boots and scruffy hair?!) Let's just hope the Canucks do better this time... no more 8-1 losses.. I'm not sure I can handle Nigel's mood after a crucial Canucks loss on a closequarters biking tour.

We are in PEI at the moment. The weather's warm, the suns sometimes shining, the
freshly migrated birds are singingtheir hearts out, and the whine of millions of biting insects rings in our ears as they buzz mercilessly around our heads. Yes, it's black fly season. It's also mosquito season and no-see-um season. And each seem to have their own unique strategy for claiming your blood for their most recent meal. The black flies seem to like to target your hairline just under the edge of your touque or hood, whereas the mosquitos seem to favour the swarm-and-randomly-stab approach. No-see-ums.. well you don't really see um until they've nipped any exposed flesh they can find. Can't wait for late summer when they all die down. In the meantime, cooking tends to be accompanied by wild dances punctuated by frequent cursing.

Oftentimes along the road, our only opportunity for checking the internet is to head for the local McDonald's. Now, I'm not a
McDonald's fan, but they do have free wireless, and a cup of tea is a cup of tea. The first McDonald's we hit up in Nova Scotia had a sign out front that absolutely blew my mind. "It's McLobster Season"... !?!?!?!

Macca's sells LOBSTER sandwiches?! You bet. Lobster with mayo, celery and lettuce on a bun will set you back all of about $6.50 at a local maritime McDonald's. Lobster fishing is a billion dollar industry, and here in the maritimes we find ourselves in the heart of Canadian lobster country.


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