Our new supporter: Bird-O!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

‘til the last tree would like to introduce our new partner Bird-O, a rapidly growing online community dedicated to birds and birding in Australia, who recently approached us with the idea that we could share some of our  experiences with them. We thought it was a fantastic idea, and we hope to publish weekly articles on Bird-O for its readers. We will still write our regular blog postings on tilthelasttree.com, including bird-related stories from our ride, but for our readers that are more concerned with the nocturnal calls of migrating golden plovers than the unfair price of maple syrup, you may enjoy our postings on Bird-O.

You can read our first introductory article, which includes a podcast of us talking about our upcoming trip, as well and Jaime’s new song “You, the Birds and I” here:

We would like to thank Bird-O for enthusiastically approaching us, and wanting to help us achieve our goal of raising $10,000 for old-growth conservation in British Columbia.


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