53km bike ride tomorrow in Perth

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It may not sound like a long way, but tomorrow Jaime and I are entering a 53km bike ride with thousands of other cyclists around the scenic Swan River in Perth, Western Australia. This will be the longest distance we will have ridden together, so we are both looking forward to it. I'm sure it's going to help us realise how much more there is to do for riding across Canada next year.

However, whoever organised the event must be a morning person, as we have to meet for the race at 6:30 am. We are both worried about falling asleep at the handlebars, as Jaime's band is playing tonight, and I have to drop a friend off at the airport for his 2am flight to Nepal!

We'll post our results after the ride, hopefully with a photo of us crossing the finish line, awake, so stay tuned...

Nigel and Jaime


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