Why we don't use plastic bags
Monday, September 20, 2010
Life and death for the Leatherback Turtle means telling apart a plastic bag from a jellyfish. Let's make it easier for them.
When you think about it, you won't be surprised to find out that we only use plastics bags for a matter of minutes, mainly to carry our groceries from the shop to the car, and from the car into the house.
Then What?
1. Most will spend a millenium breaking down at the dump.
2. Many will get carried off by the wind, ending up in our water or forests.
3. Some will be recycled, used as garbage bags in our homes, or carry other items.
What's Better?
1. Your arms! If you only have a few items, carry them, you'd be surprised how easy it is!
2. A reusable bag (something non-plastic), a backpack, or a basket. We always take a couple of reusable bags with us before shopping, and one reusable bag can hold much more weight than a plastic bag.
3. Paper bags are good and can biodegrade when not choked in plastic, but need trees to be chopped down to make them if they haven't been recycled.
All around the world there are towns, cities, states and countries that have starting banning the use of plastic bags for these reasons. And from what we've seen in the parts of Australia where this is happening, there can be only benefits.
Next time before you shop take a reusable bag with you, and you will save waste, a tree, or even a turtle.
Plastic bags and in fact most types of plastic packaging are really bad for the environment. There are numerous reasons why they are bad for wildlife and our ecosystems. Paper bags are made from trees, which are a renewable resource. Most plastic bags are made from polyethylene, which is made from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource.
printed plastic bags
Great use of plastic bags.
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